"We normality patients are an anomaly. A system error (…) The anomaly is certainly what flees, but as he flees he grabs a gun. Be an anomaly, or what is the same, to assume an anomaly is to live another life, a life that has another speed and, which in its sheer simplicity constitutes a true challenge to power (…) To assume as an anomaly is to start the journey of the night (…)”
Children of the night. Santiago Lopez Petit

"Taking the first step is synonymous with changing your existence"
In Praise of Walking. David Le Breton


"Life consists only of a private activity whose purpose is to produce a private life. We are but lives (privatized) mobilized to reproduce this reality made one with capitalism. This global mobilization reserves a different destiny for each life. He turns some into mortgaged lives, to others in residuals, others into entrepreneurs of themselves. The result is, However, common because in all of them the state that prevails is that of "being alone" (…) Life, to be an active part of the global mobilization, has to lose all existential thickness. You have to abandon the simplicity that exists in all true and full life., to get complicated, that is to say, to become neurotic. Life mobilized is a life emptied of meaning (…) Consciousness has been conquered. The Self in the most intimate is capitalism. We are and act as a brand. "
Global mobilization. Santiago Lopez Petit


"The night policy wants to make the desire to live of each one a collective challenge. And thus sabotage reality. Sabotage reality to free ourselves from power, although above all we have to free ourselves from what we are. Of what reality forces us to be (…) To free oneself is first of all to stop being a brand, that is to say, expel that capitalism that we carry in our blood. But how to stop being a brand, how to subvert it if there is no possible reappropriation? The goal is to become authors of our own life, which is exactly what we are not when as a brand we have a meaning for others. To subvert the brand is to sabotage the mobilization that leads us and attack reality (…) What must be done to sabotage reality is very simple: you have to refuse to be a micro-business. We must become a switch for global mobilization. Interrupt the mobilization that leads us and ignite the night. "
Global mobilization. Santiago Lopez Petit

"In a political sense, the march hints at a dream: walking as an expression of the rejection of a corrupt civilization, polluted, alienating and miserable. Kerouac spoke of the Dharma Wanderers, of his backpacking walking on old desert trails, refusing to consume all that the industry produces and "working to have the privilege of consuming all that shit that they don't really need, like refrigerators, television sets, cars, flashy new cars […], and crap in general that always ends up in the trash can a week later. "
In Praise of Walking. David Le Breton


"Common interiority is not wanting to live yourself, but the tension of the step of my wanting to live towards wanting to live. Is he (auto)never completed dynamism in which the desire to live is constituted. Politizarse it, in this sense, not fit into this society no matter how hard one makes. To politicize is to be a foreigner among foreigners. The common interior never pacts with life. Its existence is the pure not-fitting multiplied by the complicity of those who are our equals. The result, evidently, it is the rewriting of a different life text that is no longer centered on the Self (…) Our objective should not be to reveal the common interiority as if it were something hidden, but activate the formalism. Activate it to be able to reinvent ourselves as anonymous beings within a we (…) A broken life is not alone. He has an alliance of friends who together defy reality, building islands of self-organization. In this point, heroism is to endure the day to day, have the ability to empty the void of things and fill it with the common (…) Being inside the repeated radical gesture "supposes the absolute expulsion of fear. Together, repeating together the radical gesture, we lose fear. "
Global mobilization. Santiago Lopez Petit

"The children of the night concentrate suffering to unload it from the world, and then the love that comes from them necessarily becomes desperate. Have risen, beyond his loneliness , to steal more life. "
Children of the night. Santiago Lopez Petit

"The walker faces the unknown in the form of chance encounters. Is always the stranger. Their ephemeral friendships leave a lasting memory. Being a complete stranger and knowing that in a few hours each will be far from the other encourages the encounter "
In Praise of Walking. David Le Breton

"With the abnormal, the relationship is one of alliance (…)”
Thousand Plateaus. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari


“Inside the global mobilization –which produces life and is confused with life– to build a situation is to impose a no man's land. The built situation, as no man's land, no longer prefigures any other life, but it can be a place to experience new forms of resistance(… ) The no man's land that we impose on reality, we carry it inside(…)No man's land is where wanting to live and nihilism meet in their maximum expressions. For this reason, no man's land can be a true place of experimentation.(…) A no man's land is not yet a hole in reality. Resistance must also be creating. "
Global mobilization. Santiago Lopez Petit